Our nutritionist advises: How to properly absorb proteins during the day?

Your new exercise plan has the greatest strength when it is supported by the right diet. In cooperation with our nutritionist Zuzana Matejčeková, we found out if it matters during which part of the day we get most of the nutrients and how to properly adjust your diet before and after training.

Food just before training. Yes or no?

It is generally not recommended to eat just before exercising or to drink large amounts of fluids. Be sure to avoid heavy meals 1-2 hours before training. However, it is an individual matter and always depends on the particular person. Over time, every one of us can calculate when, at the latest before training, he has no problem eating and then training well. The choice of food is also individual and depends on the type of training. Many people even have a workout scheduled early in the morning, and then pre-workout diet can be a real problem. Some of us would not be able to eat a piece of banana in the morning, while others cannot imagine the day without breakfast. We should primarily receive nutrients from a quality solid diet. Protein shake or Protein bar is a suitable snack alternative at any time of the day, before and after exercise.

5 meals a day is not a universal mantra

There are people who are currently moving to a system called intermittent fasting. This means that from morning to late afternoon they do not eat anything, they only drink water, juices or tea and coffee and eat until evening. This way of eating suits them, but not everyone. Again, it is individual. Some people like to take more meals a day in smaller quantities, others just need lunch and dinner. For example, if you have to take 2000 kcal a day, it doesn't matter if you take them in 4 or 10 servings. It doesn't matter in terms of the goal of weight loss. During fasting, the intake of all substances and nutrients that we eat with the diet is temporarily limited, and the body begins to "consume" what is excessive in the body, while also excreting toxic substances. Already during a one-day fast, there is a significant regeneration of the digestive tract, at the same time the body's defences as well as the metabolic processes are improved. There are many people who have chosen occasional fasting despite their balanced diet as part of their lifestyle.

What kills the effort spent on training and what helps?

If your goal is to lose weight, eating any food in caloric excess will not really help you. You should also reduce alcohol as much as possible and drinking it before and after exercise is completely out of the question. Also keep in mind that despite the best diet, rest and regeneration are essential parts of any training plan. The regeneration itself after exercise has a great influence on further sports performance, and thus allows you to train much more effectively. Without regular rest between workouts, your effort will be useless, even if you set the perfect diet.

The highest quality proteins, sugars and fats

Carbohydrates play a key role in nutrition, as they are a source of energy not only for muscle function and performance. The choice of food remains up to us, depending on whether we need to take complex carbohydrates or simple ones. Grains, potatoes, fruits, legumes and nuts cannot spoil anything. When it comes to fats, you can get the best quality from nuts, avocados, eggs, butter or coconut oil. We need protein for optimal regeneration after training and it is recommended to take 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, depending on the intensity of training. Reach for legumes, meat and dairy products.